why you should play chess with your kids

Bonding with your child through chess

Posted by Estelle Oberholzer on

A strong bond between parent and child can help lead to better outcomes for children. This sense of connection shows children that they are loved and valuable, improves self-confidence, promotes their sense of belonging, and builds a positive identity and sense of self.  Find out how to use chess is a bonding tool and how to get started. 
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Five reasons you should play chess with your children

Posted by Roline Pretorius on

You'll find at least a couple of hundred search results for why you should encourage your kids to play chess. Better gradesImproved problem-solving skillsEnhanced life skills. The list goes on.

But have you ever thought about why you should play with them? Here are the top 5 reasons why you should be playing chess with your kids.
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